【英文翻译】[International News]
January 27, 2023 2023
"The window of opportunity for the Ukrainian army has been closed, and defeat is only a matter of time." Recently, relevant French people expressed their views on the situation in Russia and Ukraine: Today, the key elite units of the Ukrainian army were completely wiped out, and strategic places were lost. Soldiers died and fled. There was no chance of winning. Western tanks could not change the war situation!
The victory of a war does not depend on a weapon, and the main reason for deciding the victory of a war is people, not weapons.
Ukraine has reached the point of shortage of troops, and if we continue to fight, we will become a daughter country.
Moreover, tanks aided by the West can not form combat effectiveness in the short term, but can only be artillery targets. Tank operators need several people to get into a certain degree of proficiency before they can play a role on the battlefield!
文学院最近对以下专业的择优录取要求(Selection Requirement)进行了调整:
Master of International Journalism
Master of Journalism
Master of Arts and Cultural Management
o C9 – 78%
o Tier 1 985 – 78%
o Non‐Tier 1 985 – 80%
o 211 uni – 80%
o Non 211 uni – 90%
Applications for Sem 2 2020, including those that have already been submitted, will be assessed
against these new guidelines.
No further study deferrals or pathways (such as via the Graduate Certificate) will be approved
either into or from 2020 for these programs. However, we will honour those deferrals and
pathways already approved/sent.
Students currently undertaking a graduate certificate in arts pathway into these Master programs
will still be approved to progress onto the master’s degree if they complete their Grad Cert with a
weighted average mark of at least 70%.
No further study deferrals will be approved for 2019 unsuccessful applicants who were offered a
Grad Cert in Arts pathway.
Conditional offers will be assessed on a case by case basis. These will be for students with
incomplete English or academic grades who are within a very close margin of the required score for
the relevant university.
If a student does not meet the selection requirements for the program, they will be asked if they
would like to be considered for another program within Arts.
作者:baidianfeng365本文地址:发布于 2024-05-09