
摘要: 8月科学教育网小李来为大家讲解下。lia的成语(梁的成语)这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、来者不拒 这个成语源于项羽与秦灭六国的史实,原意是指即使遇到不利的情...










Mentions of this idiom have been discovered in some old literature, and is said to have originated from a story telling of a man named Li who went here and there visiting many places, particularly to seek knowledge and wisdom.


This idiom reflects on Li's willingness to take long walks and broaden his knowledge by attending lectures, reading various books, and visiting experts so that he can become more knowledgeable and intelligent.


This idiom encourages one to attempt new endeavors and set new goals. Li is seen as a role model for his determination and courage in going beyond what is familiar and comfortable. His efforts in exploring new possibilities and pushing himself to do better are to be admired.


This phrase means that when one sets out to achieve something, they should take the necessary steps to ensure their success and focus on the present task. It means that one should lay the groundwork and be diligent in striving after one’s goal.


This phrase promotes the idea of having a positive attitude even in difficult times. Even though Li encountered numerous setbacks along the way, he kept a brave face and pushed forward towards success. He served as a reminder that no matter the bumps along the way, it's important to stay positive and strive for greatness.

