monster life monster life官网

摘要: 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。monster,life,monster,life官网这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!21世纪学生英文报(初一)第16期Ne ZhaNe...



第16期Ne Zha

Ne Zha《哪吒》

paints a picture of Ne Zha's life


is born a monster


could only live for three years


treat him badly


hates this world very much




he proves himself


changes what people think of him


saw this film three times


get a new experience


agree with what Ne Zha said


My destiny is up to me, not to god.


If your fate is unfair , then fight against it to the end.


in our own hands


let's us be strong


face failure with a smile




#英语# #教英语# #我们一起学英语#


第1198天 英语超级写作奶爸,3.2年双语日记记录女儿生活


中英合计:100.9万字 英文40.5万字,中文60.4万字


第1198天 (3.2年) 2021年3月25日 (四)

A Diary for My Yunduo’er

Day 1198, Mar 25, 2021 (Thu)



You’re 3 years old (Episode 38):

Talents will shine through under the auspices of the heavens. One’s sheer brilliance can never be blotted out. It’s silly to bear a grudge as a green-eyed monster against others. When seeing Guo Degang and his Deyunshe are making a splash, amassing a fortune and shooting to fame, Jiang Kun, Chairman of China Quyi Association, hauled Guo over the coals in his under-the-belt “Fansansu - Against Three Vulgarities” campaign instead of pondering why his so-called mainstream Xiangsheng community has been in doldrums for so long. At least his shows have never tickled me. When seeing China faring better, the US and EU are having steam coming out of their ears and leaving no stone unturned to unseat China instead of doing some introspection. “How can China be allowed to live a better life? Absurd!”

有才,迟早会迸发出来,老天会给你机会。一个人的光芒,谁想捂都捂不住。可别看不得人好。看到郭德纲和他的德云社火了,名利双收了,曲协的jjjiang kkkun,没想想为什么他的所谓主流相声会没落,而是用反三俗针对郭德纲,档次不高哦。反正姜昆的相声,我是笑不出来。看到中国越来越好,美国欧盟不去想自己有什么问题,而是气得脑瓜腚直冒青烟,“怎么能让中国过得比我们还好,岂有此理!可得把它整下来。”

Something slots into place. I could also think along the lines of Jiang and the West. The true reason why I have not been promoted to the presidency of my company is that all my colleagues have been stabbing me on the back, nitpicking, looking to oust me, cutting the ground from under my feet, goofing up everything about me. Alas, my neighbor is better off than me. That’s absurd. I’m feeling down about that. I will get cracking to do something about that, and I won’t buck up again until he’s worse off.




You know, the bravest souls

Are you wearing all their bruises, scars and wounds, they're all on show

Don't hide, no need to hide

The fissures in the mask, you wear concealing your true side

They said go Said go and tame every monster with your light

They said go Fight every single fight like this is your last fight

Not every hero wears a golden crown Or hears the sound of glory from the crowd Who said heroes can't be found here on the ground

Love how you stand on your own Won't bow down to anyone

Love how you keep fighting on

When all hope is gone

Love how you refuse to cry

Block your fate eye for an eye

We're so similar you and I

Both refuse to die

Go now? Should I? Wearing these ragged clothes

I'll fight survive, to keep my dream alive

For the meekest and the valiant beat my foes

Who said heroes can't be ordinary souls

They said go

The seeds of your demise now have already been sewn

Before you know

Your head is hanging low your friends lined up in a row

No matter how much rain and winds may blow

Still we will make a stand here all alone

Who said ordinary players aren't heroes

Love how you stand on your own

Won't bow down to anyone

Love how you keep fighting on When all hope is gone

Love how you refuse to cry

Block your fate eye for an eye We're so similar you and I

Both refuse to die

Go now? Should I? Wearing these ragged clothes

I'll fight survive, to keep my dream alive

For the meekest and the valiant beat my foes

Who said heroes can't be ordinary souls

Love how you stand on your own

Won't bow down to anyone

Love how you keep fighting on

When all hope is gone

Love the glory's all your own

Step into the danger zone

You can build the world you won

On top of ruined stones

Go now! Go now!

To keep my dream alive I'll fight, survive, give everything my life

For the meekest and the valiant beat my foes

Who said heroes can't be ordinary souls
